Tuesday, January 26, 2010

To Kindle or Not To Kindle...

Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house. ~Henry Ward Beecher
My father recently summoned me up to his sitting room where he proudly sat; brandishing his new toy like a little kid at holiday time....a Kindle. As he excitedly explained how he got the larger sized tablet so as to be more 'book sized', I felt my heart sink a bit. "But Da..." I protested..."won't you miss the touch of a book, the smell, the weight in your hand? I don't understand?!". He chuckled a bit and I began to rethink my obsession with books. Was I too stuck in the Stone Ages to appreciate new and exciting technology? Is my romantic notion about the thrill of a hard cover book antiquated and out-dated? How could scrolling to the last page possibly compare with running my hand down to the last word and excitedly slamming the book shut? How could a shiny electronic screen compare to the the wonderment of discovering where a book has been and who has held it? Of course, I was having this debate with a man who doesn't believe in library books (for the booger factor*) so I would have to take that into account. Okay. I suppose I can admit to the fact that there is something fabulous with being able to just download a book; no wait, no drama. Of course, I like the drama. I love getting home from work and finding a message from the library that a book has come in...skipping over, wondering every moment which of my selections is now available. I adore perusing through the book store and running my hands over the book covers; deciding which of the quick blurbs on the back cover grabs me the most to make the investment. On the flip side, I like that this new format might make reading more palatable to the younger generation. As soon as I had that thought...I was seized with another notion. WOULD THE INTRODUCTION TO THE KINDLE MEAN THE END OF BOOKS AS I KNOW IT?! My father assured me that a book had to have at least ONE copy for the Library of Congress (little comfort) and technology like this has a ways to go before its affordable for all...thus the acceptable norm/replacement (phew). So, that is that. I don't know what side of the fence I lay on. To kindle or not to kindle...that is the question.
*For those of you who do not know my father...the booger factor is defined as follows: the fear that patrons of the library have picked their nose while reading a library book and wiped said boogers within the pages of said book.

What Can I Say....

The Book Thief is literally breaking my heart. I can't tell if I am not getting through it quickly because the subject matter is so disturbing or because as tough as it is, I don't want it to end. Furthermore, I don't know if I don't want it to end because I'm so enraptured, or because I'm nervous to see how things end up. I am guessing I will finish it this week so stay tuned...

More and more and more....

A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy. ~Edward P. Morgan

Americans Talking About Love, Edited by John Bowe
Ghosts & Lightening, Trevor Byrne
The Hypochondriacs, Brian Dillan
The Three Weissmanns of Westport, Cathleen Schine
Model Home, Eric Puchner
Shadow Tag, Louise Erdrich
Hot Springs, Geoffrey Becker
The Butcher and The Vegetarian, Tara Weaver
Lunch in Paris, Elizabeth Bard
Keeping the Feast, Paula Butturini
Going Away Shoes, Jill McCorkle

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It has been a while...

I am not certain why I have not provided regular updates on my progress; save that I just didn't feel compelled to. I just finished listening to 'Ted Kennedy: The Dream That Never Died' by Ed Klein. Klein is the former foreign editor of Newsweek and former editor in chief of The New York Times Magazine. As such, I was intrigued to read/hear his perspective on this controversial man. I had not fully formed my opinion of the late Senator prior to starting this biography. I have found myself at times vacillating between great respect and then horror and disgust when thinking about the youngest of the Kennedy clan. As a liberal (small L)...I admire Ted Kennedy for his venerable work as a Senator, and yet as a proud, hard-working woman, I find myself grossed out by his misogynistic behavior; including but certainly not limited to the famous "Chappaquiddick incident". This book is informative and heart wrenching. It provides just enough narrative to give Kennedy the complex description I feel he deserves. There was no real sympathy evoked for Senator Kennedy, but the book did provide enough illumination that one could grasp the real depth of his character. He was not simply a rowdy, lawless womanizer; but a man deeply plagued by external and internal demons. There were no excuses provided for his behavior, but rather explanations by way of a painted portrait of a privileged and somewhat soulless family. Mind you, greater men have been made from grimier material, but I did enjoy the glimpse into 'Camelot'. I found myself grimacing at times when hearing of the Senator's lechery and boozing, but certainly had tears on my face by time I reached the Epilogue. I do not think I have yet to resolve my feelings on the great Ted Kennedy but there are three facts I know for certain 1. Ed Klein is a talented biographer, 2. I have more reading on the Kennedy clan to do, and 3. whatever his personal character; Ted Kennedy was truly one of the greatest lawmakers of his time and he will be missed in that capacity.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

I entered into 2010 with a bang...finishing 'This Book Will Save Your Life'. The raw emotionality of this book is staggering. The characters are all at once stereotypical in a far-out L.A. fashion while existing as individuals who I sympathized with and related to on the most basic level. The description of their blatant vulnerability pierced me; leaving me wanting with every chapter that passed. Homes is a skillful storyteller; presenting a compelling narrative sprinkled with clever dialogue (i.e. "your politicians seem to be for sex or for war...which do you prefer"). Within single chapters I found myself vacillating between laughter and tears. What is my only real complaint? It is the most common gripe I have with many a modern day tale. This book loses steam at the end. While I don't believe the book needs a super serious or believable ending; I found the finale to be trite by comparison. The 'message' was clear but the vessel by which it arrived was somewhat melodramatic and far-fetched. However, as with many books I have enjoyed over the years, I was able to take from it what I needed/wanted to and leave the rest behind. As an aside, I think this was most certainly a listen-read versus a read-read. Onto the next...